Journal 1

How Beowulf Inspires Modern Day Heroes: Men of the American Military
                Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon hero who uses his strength and valor to defend the Danes and his hometown of Denmark from the evil monsters that threaten to destroy his community. Displaying his great might and devotion for his country time after time, Beowulf sets an example for how heroes should be.  Among all modern day heroes, men of the American military come closest to paralleling Beowulf’s great strength and courage.  Not only do men of the American military possess Beowulf’s great strength and courage, but men of the American military are inspired by Beowulf to be honorable and loyal to their country.
                When Beowulf arrives in the land of the Danes, the coastguard sees the mighty warrior and says, "I have never seen a mightier warrior on earth than is one of you, a man in battle-dress" (Beowulf, 7).  Beowulf is highly regarded in his country as a noble hero. Although Beowulf knows of his great strength and often boasts about his superhuman capabilities, whether he is fighting sea beasts, Grendel’s mother, or a fire-breathing dragon, Beowulf always rises up to the challenge and comes out victorious (Garcia, “The Anglo-Saxon Hero”). The same goes for the men of the American military.  One marine Chaplain has even stated,
“You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth – and the amusing thing about it is that they are” (Lowther, “Understanding the American Military”).
                What Beowulf and the men in the American military have in common is that they both exude confidence in themselves. Even though Beowulf and the men of the American military put themselves in dangerous situations where death is almost foreseeable, standing up and fighting to defend their country is worth it. 
“Death for a warrior is honorable, and courage must be shown through deeds, even if it means death. A hero must be willing to die to achieve glory. He must display courage in the face of overwhelming or impossible odds, and he must have the strength to back his courage” (Garcia, “The Anglo-Saxon Hero”).  
                A hero is well defined by his actions and Beowulf’s and the men of the American military’s selfless attitude is a reason why they should be an inspiration to others. Beowulf and the men of the American military are almost equals in that they both emanate might, fearlessness, allegiance, and undying love for their country.


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